Course Syllabus

Instructor: Lucas Myers                                           Phone: 360-442-2886


I will usually answer your e-mail questions within 24 hours, but delays should be expected on the weekend.

Email Etiquette:

In order to prepare you for professional environments, please use proper email etiquette when emailing the instructor, a student, or others on campus. Please refer to the person by the title they would like to be called and use correct grammar and punctuation. Do not treat your emails as a text. If I receive an email that is not professionally made, then I will send it back without a reply.


Office hours:  HSB 309 

Monday: 1:00 - 2:00 pm, available by appointment after 2:00 pm

Tuesday: 11:00 – 12:00 pm, available by appointment after 1:00 pm

Thursday: 1:00 – 2:00 pm, available by appointment after 2:00 pm

Friday: Online Office Hours

* Feel free to contact me via email, course chat, or office phone at any time. 


Textbook: You have a couple different options for textbooks. Please click here to read more.

Option #1) Openstax textbook (Printed or pdf)

Option #2) Molecular & Cell Biology for Dummies; by Rene Fester Kratz, PhD

Labs: Laboratory Journal or spiral notebook

CANVAS: This course is enhanced by the online learning management system Canvas. Upon registering in this course you are automatically added to the online system. Through Canvas you will be gain access to a variety of mandatory and supplementary learning resources. 

Course Description & Objectives


Course Requirements


Grading Scheme




Academic Integrity

Do your own work. Plagiarizing or cheating is not tolerated and you should refer to the student handbook  for the LCC policy.

Any questions regarding course content, prerequisites, grading or any other policy matters should be directed to the instructor.


Course Outline/Schedule


Winter 2017 Syllabus Hard Copy Version (Word Document)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due